Venue: www.tatacrucible.com
Here through my blog I will try to pour down the questions of the quiz.So here we begin with the Quiz no.60.
Tata Crucible Online Quiz: 60
1. Which car in Spanish means 'Charming'?
2. In 1983, Khushroo Dubash, Clyde Cooper, and Tushar Jani established this company with a capital base of Rs 30,000. It forged ties with Gelco Express International. Which is the company?
Blue Dart
3. Deutsche Bank, Kuwait and Dubai. They are the top three shareholders, in that order, of which auto company?
Daimler Chrysler
4. Apple, Google, IKEA, Starbucks and ... Which was ranked the fifth most influential global brand by a randchannel.com survey released recently?
5. Identify the logo.

Grameen Bank
Courtsey: www.tatacrucible.com
Dheeraj Kumar Bhatt
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