Ad world is one of the most creative and vivid areas which fascinates me.
Presenting in this post are few of the most interesting ad campaigns.
U just need to identify the advertiser.
1. Thanda matlab....
Coca Cola
2. klick karo..

Kodak3. Nut Cracker se bhi strong
Pepsodent4. Andheri raat..

Head & Shoulders Anti-dandruff Shampoo5. An easy one..
6.Only for adults
Durex Condoms7. it's a child's world
8. fighting for a cause
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)9. Humanity before self!!
Amnesty International10. and at last my favourite one.
NIKE ("Just do It" Ad campaign)I hope u liked the AdMad Quiz.
Dheeraj Kumar Bhatt+919861683855